Minutes of 10/22 Laurel Mews Board Meeting
Board members in attendance: Lawrence Norris, Sheryl Stratton
Owner: Laurie Gethin
2023 Draft budget items discussed:
Water – may be a rate increase for 2023. Normally announced a few months before and effective January 1 and/or July 1. A “rain tax” could be coming to Arlington at some point in future. County has changed the way calculates water bills and is studying effects and making adjustments.
Reserve study update – expected in November. Current reserve study contemplates replacing mailboxes. GHA would like by November 1 to invoice by December 1 for January 1. December 1 likely our “drop dead date” for collecting assessments in January. Reserve study would not contemplate raising rates until 2024.
Repairs and maintenance – 3 “new” projects: cobblestone strip, Exxon wall (in reserve table 2), hydrant replacement. May be funded by combination of reserves and operating process. How prioritize concerns of owners?
Admin costs take into account bad / doubtful debt – GHA contract — will look at breakdown why office expense is expected to triple from 850 budgeted in 2022 to 2500 in 2023.
Bad debt/doubtful debt of 5000 is new line item. Total 13000 this year and expected to continue. Further board discussion is warranted how to handle so owners have explanation about it. Understand can’t foreclose until debt is $25000 and don’t want to push owner into foreclosure that would cost and could lose HOA money. Suggest we involve Gates input on how to handle debt conversation with owners. Owner offered that said she would like a better understanding of the issue and its resolution.
Electricity Lawrence netted us a savings in electricity budget by switching to LED bulbs.
EV charger fund ($500) – more owners asking about them. Question of investing in EV chargers while subsidies still in place or wait until no subsidies. Good for owners to understand more about EV charger issues and investment. Maybe something for EV owners to make recommendations to HOA about?
Next steps:
- — Send reminder to the owners about November 19 meeting 10 days prior (11/9) with these minutes and itemized draft budget that includes budget columns for years 2017 on, and YTD numbers for 2022
- — Board discussion about how to handle explaining why we have this new bad/debt expense
- — Board to revise draft 2023 budget if reserve study is received before 11/19
- — Distribute itemized proposed 2023 to all owners ahead of November 19 meeting