Laurel Mews HOA Board Meeting 9/24/2022

Laurel Mews HOA Board

Meeting 9/24/2022

Meeting ID: 846 0724 0998 Passcode: LMinEFC

In attendance:

Board: Lawrence Norris, Andrew Schneider and Sheryl Stratton

Homeowners: Laurie Gethin (6708D), Emily Gabor (6703F), Rob Reinders (6703B), Haeyoung Harper (6708G), Nico Ulvert (6712D),  Margie Knauff (6704C), Robin Williams (6705F)

Homeowner comments:

  • Having regular meetings and inviting participation welcomed.
  • Continue notifying community of workers on site.
  • Strong preference for email communications as many do not like NextDoor because cannot tailor notifications to only those from Laurel Mews. However, fewer emails on budget matters and meetings – too many reminders and extra resources.

HOA Business

  • Reserves and other projects not included in reserve study
  • 2023 budget
  • Process at board level – understanding of what expenses and decisions are routed through full board, or made by president, and when/how to get community input

Issues and concerns:

  • Big project – Tuckpointing Exxon wall
  • Cobblestone walkway removal (Lawrence to get proposal for removing or filling up with asphalt)
  • Parking lot replacement in 2026

Next steps:

  1. Board creates and disseminate to all owners by October 19 (via email and posting on website) a draft 2023 budget
  2. Look at the reserve projects (what has been done, what is urgent)
  3. Create a new list of priorities of other projects.

Next meeting:   October 22 at 11 am – same zoom link as above.