1. I’m essentially a social libertarian, meaning I don’t care what car a person chooses to drive, the color of their hair or skin, whether they eat meat or not, or whatever. I have no bias against anyone wishing to drive an electric vehicle.
2. Also being libertarian in my thinking, I believe I shouldn’t be expected to pay for someone else’s choices. Meaning, I shouldn’t be asked and expected to pay for an electric charging station that is of no benefit to me. Let the people who drive electric vehicles pay for it.
3. I have 2 PhDs, I hold patents in molecular physics, I’m an engineer, professor, scientist and physicist. And I’ve designed nearly 1,000 water and energy utility based systems in my 50 year career.
4. The highest total cost per mile driven with any vehicle over the roads is with electric vehicles.
5. The highest total environmental damage per mile driven with any vehicle is with electric vehicles.
6. My partner, Tonya Nichols, PhD, is an ST at EPA headquarters, liaison to the White House and the National Security Council, and a year ago before she passed it off to someone else to take on two other national initiatives, was in charge of EPA’s “Critical Minerals” national initiative. She said the damage to the environment from mining lithium is and will be unimaginable. And the mineral resources are very limited in the United States, meaning we must rely on foreign countries for production of future batteries. And the environmental disposal costs will also be significant with the extent yet to be determined.
7. Please see this video regarding this issue: Unobtanium.
David J. Rigby, PhD, PE
LM Owner