2024 Approved Budget


Board Presentation and Q&A


Assessment Income 288,360 278,370 278,370
Other Income 10,160 23,895 18,138
Operating Expenses
    Water/Sewage 56,000 56,000 48,934
    Payments to Reserve Fund 107,095 102,975 102,918
    Landscaping & Grounds 35,000 29,700 32,080
    Repairs & Maintenance 40,290 30,000 27,757
(note 4)
    Trash Removal 15,650 15,000 14,652
    Admin & Professional Services 23,485 37,000 36,616
    Snow Removal 17,000 17,000
    Electricity 775 750 750



  1. The topline is that as currently constructed the budget balances at $1,335 per quarter per unit.  That is a little less than a 3.6% increase from the 2023 rate.
  1. We are achieving an investment rate of interest that is greater than than the rate of inflation on the reserve fund.  The fund is mostly invested in Treasury instruments (T-bills) and bond funds of Treasury instruments.  We are hedged with a conservative blend of stocks and ETFs.
  1. We have achieved almost 100% success in collecting accounts in arrears, thus further improving our balance sheet.
  1. It did not snow much last winter, though there are still 8 weeks remaining in 2023. Snow in November and December is not very common, but not unprecedented.  Predictions for this winter (stretching through March/April) are for near or above-average snowfall this winter.
  1. Because labor has been hard to get, we are late on completing the 2023 annual maintenance plan.  But hopefully everything in the plan will get done before 31 December such that we won’t have to defer jobs into 2024.
  1. In 2024 we will execute on some landscaping, common area maintenance, and community events such that individual owners can claim credits on the Stormwater Utility Fee, https://www.arlingtonva.us/Government/Programs/Sustainability-and-Environment/Stormwater/Stormwater-Utility-Fee
  1. Our challenge is to remain girded for the foreseen and unforeseen emergencies, i.e. water service pipe rupture and other calamities that may arise; as well as to stay on track to have the funds for major repairs/replacements coming in the next few years, e.g., the Exxon wall and resurfacing the parking lot.


The Reserve Fund(s) Analytic Framework for Budgeting Budget bibliography Prior meeting notes